Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Superstar celebrity

Elvis Presley was one of the most distinguished superstars in the world, and now it is regarded as the cultural image

The superstar - the term used to address to a celebrity who has the big popular reference and is widely known, visible or successful in some area. Celebrities named "superstars", can include people whom actresses work as actors, musicians, athletes, and other trades. The term "superstar" is value judgment, and there are no empirical criteria to apply term. From economic prospect of research of Alan B. Krueger concepts of "superstar" of the music industry assume, that it was possible to name the main groups of acquisition "superstars". However, term also is given in public by commentators of mass-media, critics, and journalists, using aesthetic or other subjective methods of an estimation in addition to quantitative criteria, or without quantitative criteria. “ Small distinctions in an input of skill of certain people can be increased in the big distinctions in value of service when that service can be consumed by the big audience which can divide cost. "Also" many people can wish to pay everyone little bit more to hear the best executor who can be insignificant only better than the following best executor, making the salary of the superstar for the main executor. ”It means," even if the main head of firm only is a little more talented than the following best person, that the small additional talent costs a large quantity if it mentions thousand employees or millions clients. ”[1]

In the beginning of 1900

To 1909, "picture persons" have started to advance silent movie companies, letting out histories about these actors to magazines of the admirer and newspapers as a strategy part to construct "adherence of the consumer to the given mark of the goods" for actors of their company and films. To 1920 Hollywood patrons of a movie company have developed “the massive industrial enterprise”, that “... Traded racing in new intangible popularity.” [2]

Hollywood "image makers" and promoting agents imparted hearings, has selectively let out the real or fictitious biographic information on the press, and used other "tricks" to create persons for actors. Then they “... Worked] to strengthen that person [and] to operate publicity.” Publicists thus "have created" "steady images" and public perception of legends of the screen, such as the Rock Hudson, Мэрилин Monroe and the Leading boring pipe of Grace. Development of this “star systems” has made “popularity... Something, that could be made purposely, owners new ‘ glory cars. ’” [2]


According to Sofia Johansson "initial texts on glory" include articles Boorstin (1971), Alberoni (1972) and Красильщик (1979) which investigated "representations of stars and on aspects of system of the Hollywood star." Johansson marks that "fresher researches within mass-media and cultural researches (for example. Gamson 1994; Marshall 1997; Джайлс 2000; the Turner, Marshall and 2000 Bonner; Rojek 2001; 2004 Turners), instead dealt with idea extending, modern, ‘ culture of a celebrity ’." In the analysis ' cultures of a celebrity, ' "popularity and its election districts are conceived as wider social process connected with widespread economic, political, technological and cultural events." [3]

1990 1980
Michael Jackson - the cultural image.

In 1980 and 90-s', tactics of publicity of entertainment of a steel “more thin and difficult”, such as use of press releases, cinema "sweet pies with cream, and community actions. These promoting efforts are intended and projected studying of market conditions of use," to increase predictability of success of their enterprises of mass-media. ”In some cases, advertising agents can create“ provocative advertisements ”or make the shocking public statement that“ to cause the public contradiction and thus to make "free" coverage of news. ”[2]

With 2000 gifts

In 2002 American Idol premiered with concept to find superstars. Britney there was a huge celebrity and the image of mass-media within a decade. Other international superstars in 2002 till the present moment was Miley Cyrus and Leading boring pipe Clarkson.
Бритни Спирс becomes the image of a celebrity and a global megastar.

"The lottery winner"

According to Roger Caillois, superstars are created by interaction between “mass media, free business, and competition.” Superstars are made by a mix of effort of actors or athletes and chance (good luck of a victory, because of many any factors influencing sports meets, film releases, etc.). “To the superstar extraordinarier persistence and the engine increased extraordinary natural talent.” However, it is a little “small and relative distinctions has crucial importance for a victory or hair loss in width.” Here the chance plays a role; the sudden impulse of a wind in the end of sailing race can mean distinction between glory and defeat. Caillois notices, that the chance role in superglory is paradoxical, provided that the West such “преобладающе meritocratic a society,” which valorizes a role of work, competition, activity, and definition. [4]

“[As] only one can be the first. [The person can] to wish to win indirectly, through identification with someone else” - the superstar which triumph as the most popular actor or amazed the artist of registration, occurs partially because of actions “... Those who worships to the hero”. The belief of the public in their own potential for success and riches is confirmed “by the manicurist selected the Beauty queen, the commercial girl charged with a role of the heroine in manufacture of the first-rate quality, the daughter of the owner of the shop, winning Round de France, [and] to persons on duty of a gaz station who is heated in the attention centre as the toreador of the champion”. [4] For example, Levine specifies, that "Lars Ulrich, the drummer for Metallica, was the person on duty of servicing deport before to become a rich rock star; Harrison Ford was the cabinetmaker" before to become the rich movie star. [5]

Caillois names huge incomes of superstars, and awards “have disguised lotteries”, “a special kind of gambling.” For example, great prizes for literary competitions “bring well-being and glory to the author, within several years.” Caillois notices, that "superstar" cannot simply be a success at some activity; they should be richly rewarded also. He says, that “the material award of the superstar - the necessary component (for glory of a star) for identification of the public with a star, or whether is it the superiority or a private life of a star which has more values.” He declares, that extravagant incomes of superstars play important psychological "role" of the mechanism of indemnification for the public. [4]

According to Madow, “popularity - the"relative"phenomenon, something, that is awarded by others. The person, within the limits of its natural talents, can make itself strong either fast or studied. But it cannot, in this same sense, do itself(himself) known, it is more than it can make itself(himself) favourite.” Madow continues to specify, that “popularity often is awarded or refuses, the same as love, for the reasons and on the bases except" merits. "It means, that irrespective of the fact how“... It is intense a star can... To try to "supervise and"generate"it, mass-media and the public always play an essential role in process doing the image.” [2]

Other values

Museums of art of "superstar"

The small amount of the main art museums, including the Museum of the Master of Franc Lloyd Guggenheim to New York, Center Pompidou in Paris, the Museum of Franc Gehry's Guggenheim in Bilbao, among others, became the names known each family and main tourist mission. Art museums, such as they, with their drawing of the blow, the architecturally-developed buildings and very known masterpieces it is possible to name museums of art of "superstar". [6] With their huge movement of the visitor, museums of the superstar often in a condition to receive the essential income from bookshops of a museum and restaurants and to render “the main influence on local economy.”. [6]

Museums of the superstar in a condition to use the popular reference of their site and art авуаров to make their own books, video, and the television spot news which adds an additional stream of the income and strengthens further understanding of the public of a museum. Some museums of the superstar also have started to establish museum networks. For example, the Gallery of London Tate has begun satellite art museums in Liverpool and With-. Ives. [6].

Cultural establishments, such as art museums play “gatekeeping a role” for consumers, helping to show on the screen and to sort cultural exhibits and artworks, thus “reduc [meadow] the information and search expenses” for consumers. Besides, “directing resources to the limited group of visual artists, cultural establishments also increase the phenomena of the superstar within the fine arts.” [7]

Presidents of the superstar

According to the economic theory known as the theory of tournament, mullions-strong salaries of general directors superstars (presidents) in the corporate world with can be considered as type of a prize of tournament. Huge salaries of heads of the superstar “often, apparently, remind prizes for winners of competitions, instead of indemnifications instead of value of an extreme product of work.” As the example, “at the company can be many vice-presidents approximately comparable ability and v-p (who can be only a little more talented than others) which will advance on the president, receive huge increase in the salary which reminds a prize for a competition victory as is better v-p.” [1]

As one description was expressed, “... Such system of indemnification can be effective if the organisation only in a condition to estimate its heads according to relative value of their contribution to the organisation (the organisation cannot measure productivity of each head, only productivity of group of heads).” Besides, “even if to heads pay the wages equal to average productivity of group, the stimulus will still act to be advanced and to win a prize.” However, “systems of indemnification which remind prizes, can stimulate also with discouraging joint behaviour and can encourage some contenders to destroy work of competitors” [1]

Further reading

* Hamlen, William A. “Superglory in Popular music: the Empirical Certificate.” The review of Economy and Statistics 73 (1991: 729-33).
* MacDonald, Glenn M. “Economy of Rising stars.” The American Economic Review 78 (1988: 155-67).
* Rosen, Sherwin. Effect of the superstar - “Economy of Superstars”, the American Economic Review, 71 (1981).
* Salganik, Matthew J., Peter Sheridan Dodds, and Дункан J. Watts. "The experimental research of the Inequality and Unpredictability in the Artificial Cultural Market." A science 311 (2006: 854-56).

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