Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Celebrity Worship Syndrome

Syndrome of Creed of the Celebrity - the afflicted-grasping disorder in which the person becomes excessively connected with details of private life of a celebrity.
Psychologists have specified, that though many people take hold on a charming film, to TV, sports and popularity stars, others have improbable images, such as politicians or authors. The unique general factor between them - that they - all numbers in public attention (that is, celebrities). A syndrome of Creed of the Celebrity of term - actually misuse.

Term a celebrity syndrome worship (CWS) at first has appeared in article ' you, worships to celebrities? ' James Chapman in Daily Mail in 2003 (Коробейник, 2003). James Chapman based article on a paper of magazine Maltby, etc. (2003). James Chapman addresses to CWS, but actually it is misunderstanding of the term used in academic article to which he addresses (Maltby, etc. 2003), CWS which stood up for Scale of Creed of the Celebrity. Nevertheless Коробейник can be in general correct. The syndrome addresses to a number of the wrong or unusual feature set, specifying existence of an undesirable condition or quality. Really many relations and поведений, covered in this research, specify such states.

Three types CWS

Psychologists in the USA and the Great Britain. The created scale of a celebrity worship to estimate problems. In 2002, psychologists Lynn McCutcheon of the United States, Rense Lange, and James Houran entered Scale of the Relation of the Celebrity, 34 points measure operated 262 человекам, living in the central Florida. [2] McCutcheon and others has assumed, that the celebrity worship included one measurement, in which lower set in scale involved individualistic behaviour, such as supervision, hearing, reading and a cognizance about celebrities while higher levels of creed are characterised by sympathy, superidentification, and obsession from a celebrity.

However, more later research among the big British samples have offered, that there were 3 various aspects to a celebrity worship; [3] Maltby, and aforementioned psychologists investigated Scale of the Relation of the Celebrity among 1732 respondents of the Great Britain (781 man, 942 women) who was aged between 14 and 62 years and has found following 3 measurements to a celebrity worship:

Social entertainment

This measurement includes relations, that admirers are involved in a favourite celebrity because of their apprehended ability to entertain and become the social centre, such as, "I like to speak with others which admire with my favourite celebrity” and “I like to observe and hear about my favourite celebrity, when I with the big group of people”.

the Intensive personnel

The intensively-personal aspect of a celebrity worship reflects intensive and persuasive feelings about a celebrity, related to afflicted tendencies of the admirers often mentioned in the literature; for example “I have shared the special obligation which cannot be described in words” with the favourite celebrity and, "When something badly happens with my favourite celebrity, I feel, that it happens with me ’”.


This measurement is symbolised поведениями not giving in to the control and imaginations concerning the scenarios involving them of celebrities, such as, "I have frequent thoughts on my favourite celebrity, even when I do not want to”, and “my favourite celebrity immediately would arrive to my rescue if I required the help”.

Creed of the Celebrity and Intellectual health

The certificate specifies, that bad intellectual health is correlated from a celebrity worship. Researchers investigated relations between a celebrity worship and intellectual health in samples of the adult of the Great Britain. Maltby, etc. (2001) found the certificate to assume, that intensively-personal measurement of a celebrity worship has been connected with higher levels of depression and anxiety. In the same way Maltby, etc., in 2004, has found, that intensively-personal measurement of a celebrity worship was not only is connected with higher levels of depression and anxiety, but also and higher levels of pressure, negative affect, and illness messages. Both these researches did not furnish the proof for essential relations either between social entertainment or between pogranichno-pathological measurements of a celebrity worship and intellectual health.

коррелированой pathologies have informed recently on another Maltby, Джайлс, the Hairdresser and McCutcheon (2005) who investigated a role of interest of a celebrity in formation of knowledge of the image of a body. Among three separate British samples (teenagers, students and the senior adults) people have chosen a celebrity of their own floor, which body/number they loved and admired, and then have finished Scale of the Relation of the Celebrity along with two measures of the image of a body. Essential relations have been found between relations to celebrities and the image of a body among female teenagers only. Results have assumed, that in a female youth there is an interaction between an intensively-personal celebrity worship and the body image between age of 14 both 16 years, and some preliminary certificate as find, assumes, that these relations disappear in the beginning of an adult life, 17 - 20 years. These results are compatible to those authors who underline importance of formation of relations with numbers of mass-media, and assume, that relations with the celebrities apprehended as presence of the good form of a body, can lead to the bad image of a body in female teenagers.

Within a clinical context the effect of a celebrity could be more extreme, especially considering extreme aspects of a celebrity worship. Maltby, Day, McCutcheon, Houran and Ashe (2006) investigated relations between social entertainment, an intensively-personal and pogranichno-pathological celebrity worship and obsessivemess, identity of an ego, predisposition of imagination and dissociation. Two of these variables have pulled special attention; predisposition of imagination (time spent, dreaming, informing about characterised by hallucinations intensities as real, informing on bright memoirs of the childhood, having events intensive religious and not giving in to an explanation) and dissociation (reflects shortage of normal integration of events, feelings, and thoughts in everyday consciousness and memory and it is connected with many psychiatric problems).

Though low levels (social entertainment) a celebrity worship are not connected with one of clinical measures, celebrity average levels worship (the intensive personnel) are connected with predisposition of imagination (approximately 10 % of the divided distinction), while high levels of a celebrity worship (pogranichno-pathological) action the big association with predisposition of imagination (approximately 14 % of the divided distinction) and dissociation (approximately 3 % of the divided distinction though the size of effect of it is small and are the most probable because of the big typical size). This detection assumes, that as the celebrity worship becomes more intensive, and the person feels, that presence of relations from a celebrity, more person is inclined to imaginations.

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